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About the Artist

My studio process begins with blanketing the white canvas with color and texture, using brushes, palette knives, oil sticks, sand paper, and graphite, then continuing to glaze, paint out, draw over, and scribble. Out of this chaos, symbols and shapes appear spontaneously until some ineffable sense of order or meaning emerges. I then step back and contemplate my  next move until I get a sense of completion.


After spending part of my childhood making frequent visits to the ocean and experiencing its beauty -- but also the terror of getting turned upside down by its power -- I formed a solid affection and respect for the ocean and for Nature in general. Now, the social, environmental and global challenges of life are often sources of frustration and fear, as well as inspiration. I am driven to paint to express my emotional response  to both the beauty of Nature and my darker feelings for our changing world.


In the studio while painting, I lose myself, hours pass, shapes emerge and disappear along with memories, as I strive to get a better understanding of our changing world.




Janice has lived in California,  specifically in Marin  and Sonoma Counties for many years, and has participated in artists' communities in both locations. As a BFA Graduate of Sonoma State University, she studied with well known instructors such as Mark Perlman, Bob Nugent, and Chester Arnold. Now in her home studio, Janice continues to explore her unending fascination with  the many possibilities inherent in putting oil paint on canvas to express her personal creative vision. 


Janice Best

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